What is Python ?- Essential Concepts for Beginners

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What is Python ?- Essential Concepts for Beginners

Only a few years ago, programming languages were known only to software developers. As new technologies emerge, programming skills are needed for almost all non-developer jobs as well. There is a need for a simple programming language that is easy to learn but can also provide fast edit cycles and smooth development. There are many reasons why Python is a good language for these purposes. Python is one of the top programming languages in 2020, according to the TIOBE Programming Community Index. The rise in popularity of Python can be attributed to its use in booming fields such as artificial intelligence, data mining, and numerical computing.

What is Python?

Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language that emphasizes readability and is interpreted. Python was designed to be readable, with a syntax that is similar to English with math-infused syntax. It can be run on Macs, Windows, Linux, and Raspberry Pis because Python is an open-source, cross-platform language.

The Python programming language is straightforward to learn and use, compared to most other languages. A simple set of commands can be used to carry out the functions of the language, while less text is required than in most competitions. It might explain why coding boot camp students, developers, and tech companies alike love it.

Additionally, Python differs from other programming languages in several ways, including the use of new lines to complete commands (as opposed to semicolon or parentheses) and the use of whitespace to define loops, functions, and classes (rather than curly brackets in other languages). Programmers love Python because it boosts their productivity. It is incredibly fast to cycle through edit-test-debug without any compilation steps.

The debugging of Python programs is straightforward: a bug or bad input won’t cause a segmentation fault. When the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an exception. In cases where the interpreter cannot catch the exception, it displays a stack trace. There are several benefits to a source-level debugger, including inspecting local variables and global variables, evaluating arbitrary expressions, setting breakpoints, stepping through the code line by line, etc.

Do you know why Python is so popular?

Here are some of the major reasons why Python is such an effective and popular programming language:

  1. Its syntax is intuitive and resembles that of an English language, making it an easy language for beginners to learn.
  2. It’s easy to write, read, and debug due to its human-friendly syntax.
  3. There is an extensive standard library and a wide variety of well-documented and comprehensive additional libraries and modules available.
  4. The service is free for both individuals and businesses.
  5. As a result of its huge support community, Python is constantly being developed, improved, and expanded.
  6. You can integrate it into any project and use it to solve advanced problems.
  7. Due to its general-purpose nature, it has a wide range of applications.

What Is Python Used For?

The Python programming language is commonly used for web development, automation, software testing, data analysis, and machine learning.

Here are some more details about these use cases.

Web Development

The practice of developing websites and maintaining them is known as web development. A website is divided into two main parts – the front-end and the back-end. Also known as the client side of an application, the front-end is the part of a website visitors directly interact with. Elements such as images, buttons, and navigation menus are included in this category.

On the other hand, the back-end refers to the part of a website that visitors do not directly see. In the back-end of the website, website data is stored and everything on the front-end is coordinated. Python is used as a back-end programming language. Data can be transferred between servers, databases can be accessed, and security can be managed using Python code.

Game development

While Python is far from an industry standard in game development, it does have its uses. Programming language can be used to create simple games, which makes it useful for developing prototypes quickly. Similarly, Python allows for certain functions (such as creating dialogue trees).

Software Testing

Software quality assurance is an essential part of the development process. Software companies must provide a consistent, smooth, and high-quality user experience in order to maintain excellent customer satisfaction.

It is also necessary for them to release software updates and new versions quickly and efficiently in order to stay competitive. Test automation comes into play here. In automated testing, computers run tests, manage test data, and analyze test results automatically to improve software quality. Similar to the automation we described in the previous section, but more specific to software development.

It’s great to automate repetitive testing tasks, such as regression testing and functional testing. The manual testing of usability, beta, and A/B tests, on the other hand, is best done with real people’s judgment and opinions. Software development can be automated with Python thanks to its versatility, scalability, and popularity.

Desktop applications

Python is available on nearly all operating systems, allowing users to work on multiple platforms simultaneously.With the language, developers can develop efficient desktop applications using a variety of GUI frameworks. There are several user-friendly Python desktop application frameworks that are widely used, including PyQT, Kivy, wxPython, Bottle, and Tkinter.

These frameworks enable programmers to build application programming interfaces and execute cross-platform code easily. Python also provides a collection of text-processing tools to help users create content quickly.

Features of Python:

  • The syntax of Python is clear and easy to read, so it is an ideal language for both beginners and experienced programmers. As a result of this simplicity, development can be faster and errors can be reduced.
  • Dynamically Typed – Variables’ data types are determined at runtime. During code writing, we do not need to specify the data type of a variable.
  • An example of a high-level language is a code that is readable by humans.
  • Compile and interpret – Python code is first compiled into bytecode, then interpreted line by line. When we download Python from org, we download the default implementation of Python known as CPython. CPython is considered to be Complied and Interpreted both.
  • A garbage collector manages memory allocation and de-allocation automatically. It is not necessary for programmers to manage memory specifically.
  • Object-Oriented – It refers to everything as an object, including strings and numbers.
  • Python is cross-platform compatible, allowing developers to create software that runs on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux distributions.
  • Python has a rich standard library of ready-to-use modules and functions for all sorts of tasks, including web development and data manipulation, machine learning, and networking.

There are many web-based assets, open-source projects, and a vibrant Python community. It is very easy for developers to learn the language, collaborate on projects, and contribute to the Python ecosystem. It is easier to understand and write code in Python due to its straightforward language framework. This makes it a fantastic programming language for novices. Additionally, it assists seasoned programmers in writing clear and error-free code.

An Overview of Python’s History

Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, developed the Python programming language in the late 1980s as an improved version of ABC. Van Rossum co-authored the book Internet Programming with Python in the mid-1990s, which remains the only full-length text about Python.

Over time, Python became a primary choice for web development, prototyping, scripting, data analysis, and machine learning. It was not until the early 2000s that Python’s open-source ecosystem gained popularity among even major corporations. Some of the tech companies that have implemented Python include Google, Cisco, Dropbox, IBM, and Mozilla.

The popularity of Python as a general-purpose programming language continues to grow worldwide. Its easy syntax and versatility make Python libraries and frameworks excellent starting points for beginners and intermediates alike. Many tech professionals consider Python a high-level programming language as well, even though beginners find Python easy to learn.

What is the best way to learn Python?

The best way to learn Python as a beginner is to download the code and play around with it. The more complex concepts we have discussed (such as the different programming paradigms) will be brought to life in this way.

For coding in Python, you’ll need a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE). If Python is not already installed on your computer, the Python Wiki provides clear instructions on how to download and install Python on Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can use it for free!

It’s a good idea to start by checking out the Python Standard Library, or by playing with some sample code after downloading the language and picking a text editor.

If you’re new to programming, the Python website provides extensive documentation to help you learn more about it. This includes a Python beginner’s tutorial. You might also find it helpful to seek support from an online community. For a quick answer, we recommend Python Internet Relay Chat or Stack Overflow – two excellent options.

If you’re really passionate about Python, you can attend tons of conferences and workshops. The events take place all over the world on a regular basis. Python’s website provides a list of workshops and conferences.

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Final Thoughts

The Python programming language is one of the most widely used programming languages. As a free and open-source language, it has a shallow learning curve, numerous lucrative career opportunities, and is versatile.

Web development, automation, software testing, data analysis, machine learning, and game development are just some of the fields where you can use this popular coding language. Several well-known companies use Python to conduct business operations and deliver services.

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