What is Angular? – Mastering the Framework from Scratch

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What is Angular? – Mastering the Framework from Scratch

Web development has seen massive growth in the past few years, as more and more web-building frameworks come out. Angular is one of the most popular frameworks right now. When it comes to “What is Angular? ” We’ve got all the answers.

Angular is used by 0.4% of all known websites, according to IncrediTools. The prevalence of Angular in Web Development has prompted aspiring Developers to learn about the framework. This article will provide you with an overview of what Angular is, its key features, architecture, and its benefits.

What is Angular?

Angular is a framework and platform by which Single Page Applications can be developed, written in TypeScript and developed by Google. AngularJS was originally intended to be version 2 of the popular framework. However, some design decisions made Google release it as a separate entity, including no backward compatibility and an easy update path for applications written in AngularJS to Angular 2. Angular is licensed under the MIT license. It provides developers with a standard structure as well as obvious advantages as a framework. By using it, users can create large applications that are maintainable.

How Does a Framework Help You?

Generally, frameworks make web development more efficient and performant by providing a consistent structure so that developers don’t have to rewrite code constantly. Frameworks are time savers that enable developers to add extra features to their software without having to do extra work.

What makes Angular so special?

The most commonly used client-side scripting language is JavaScript. This code is written into HTML documents so that web pages can be interacted with in a variety of unique ways. Due to its ease-of-use and pervasive support, it is well-suited to the development of modern applications.

Can JavaScript be used to develop single-page applications that require modularity, testability, and developer productivity? Maybe not. Modern frameworks and libraries provide alternative solutions to common problems. As a front-end web framework, Angular addresses most of the issues developers face when using JavaScript alone.

Features of Angular

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important features of Angular now that we’ve seen an overview:

  • Component Dependency Injection: Dependency Injection defines a pattern that allows components to inherit their dependencies instead of hardcoding them.
  • A two-way data binding is created between the select element and the orderProp model by AngularJS. The orderProp will then be used as an input to the orderBy filter.
  • Testing: Angular JS is designed so we can test right from the beginning. Unit testing and end-to-end testing are very simple for its components.
  • Model View Controller: In Angular JS, it is very easy to develop applications in a clean MVC format. Your application code needs to be divided into MVC components, such as the Model, View, and Controller.
  • Filters, modules, routes, directives, etc.

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The Benefits of Angular?

With Angular, you can quickly create complex web applications with minimal code, saving you both time and money. It also uses a component-based architecture, making it easy to maintain. As a result, you can easily extend existing components or create new ones without rewriting much code. Lastly, it’s open source and supported by a large community of developers who are constantly improving the framework and creating useful tools.

If you’re looking to develop complex web applications quickly and efficiently, then Angular is worth a look.

Get started with AngularJS

You now have a basic understanding of why Angular is one of the top JavaScript front-end frameworks in use today. Developers in Angular are very in demand for their skills. Learn AngularJS if you’re ready to get started. The Learn JavaScript course will teach you the fundamentals of the programming language that powers Angular if you’re new to JavaScript.

Final Thoughts

Angular is highly usable right out of the box, and it includes several features that help developers achieve rapid time to market. Its ecosystem features a multitude of ready-to-use components, making growing a project easy and making it good for enterprise-scale applications. TypeScript also simplifies debugging by flagging the most frequent issues during programming. Your project’s success depends on choosing the right tools. It’s clear why so many developers and businesses prefer Angular over the many web frameworks available.

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