What is React?- Exploring its Features and Benefits

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What is React

What is React?- Exploring its Features and Benefits

A popular JavaScript library for developing mobile and web applications is React. Developed by Meta (formerly Facebook), React enables developers to build reusable user interfaces (UIs). Note that React is not a framework. The reason is that it is only responsible for rendering the components of the view layer of an application. Despite that, React is an alternative to frameworks such as Angular and Vue that can be used to construct complex functionality.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of React. Since its introduction in 2013, React has become a popular choice for front-end web development. React was ranked as the most popular JavaScript library in a 2020 survey, used by nearly 80% of developers. We will discuss how React works, its features, and its benefits for front-end developers in this article.

What is React?

It is a JavaScript library developed by META in 2013. Developers can use it to create interactive web applications, also known as single-page applications (SPAs).

It is based on how users interact with websites and the components of DOM-based applications following that interaction. Using React, you can build large web applications by creating reusable UI (User Interface) systems.

It was originally developed at META headquarters in 2013 and now powers Facebook’s website. React is open-source, so other developers can use it for their projects as well. Its small library makes it very lightweight and quick to load, but also very powerful for complex applications.

The React framework is used for mobile and desktop user interfaces. There may not be a perfect solution for every app, but React can be of great help for many types of apps, for building an app from scratch, or for adding animation effects.

How does React work?

React Components

The first step in using React is to divide your site into smaller components. A news site might have a header, a search bar, and an article with a title, image, and text. The different components are built separately and then assembled in a main file.


HTML is what structures your website (its skeleton) and is written in a separate file. JSX allows you to bring HTML into your JavaScript files and build components with both HTML and JavaScript. JSX accepts something called “props” (properties) which enable custom data to be inserted into components.

For our website example, this means we can use the article component as a kind of template and then add unique props like titles, images, and text to create different articles.

Virtual DOM

For HTML documents, there is something called the DOM, which is a programming interface. It allows us to modify the content of a web page by representing data on it. When using JSX, React creates a Virtual DOM, which is a copy of the actual DOM. By comparing the data in both places, it only replaces the thing in the DOM that is different, like adding a comment or pressing a button. When a site has a lot of things constantly changing, this selective updating results in way better loading time and computing power.

Why Use React?

The popularity of React today has eclipsed that of all other front-end development frameworks. The reason is as follows:

  • React is easy to learn if you have some knowledge of JavaScript, and it can revolutionize the way you design and create web content.
  • It’s easier to create dynamic web applications with React because it requires less coding and offers more functionality, as opposed to JavaScript, where the coding gets complicated quickly.
  • Performance: React uses Virtual DOM, making web applications faster. It compares the previous states of the components and updates only those items in the Real DOM that have changed, instead of updating all components again.
  • An app is usually made up of multiple components, which are the building blocks of any React application. Components such as these have logic and controls, which can be reused throughout the application, thereby reducing development costs.
  • Unidirectional data flow: React operates on unidirectional data flow. React apps are often designed with child components nesting within parent components. As data flows in a single direction, debugging errors and knowing where a problem occurs in an application is easier.

How to become a React developer

The React library is free and open-source, so anyone can use it. To become a React developer, you might consider watching YouTube videos and interacting with the React developer community to learn on your own.

React developers who wish to become professionals may benefit more from online courses or certifications. Structured learning with industry experts and career credentials can be obtained through these programs. Step-by-step instructions are provided below on how to become a React developer.

1. Choose your focus.

React is a front-end development toolkit. It is used to handle the view layer of an application, which represents the elements of a page that users can see. However, the React library is JavaScript-based, and JavaScript is a full-stack language. Both the front-end and back-end of an application can be developed using full-stack technologies.

However, React can also be used for server-side development when combined with back-end frameworks. Therefore, React developers can choose to specialize in front-end development or learn full-stack development.

2. Learn the essential skills.

Even though software development jobs are growing at an above-average rate, React.js candidates need a competitive skill set. Using the list below, you can determine which essential skills to focus on.

  1. Languages for programming, stylesheets, and markup. The React library is a JavaScript library. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the programming language and its applications.
  2. React developers should also study HTML and CSS. A course like Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development and Coding Specialization offered by the University of Michigan might be a good choice for someone new to the web development field.
  3. Keeping code in repositories. Software developers use code repositories like GitHub and BitBucket to manage and track their source code history. With the Introduction to Git and GitHub Google Career Certificate, you can master the Git version control system and start building your portfolio.
  4. Tools for React developers. You can manage your application throughout development if you are proficient with React developer tools. One example is the open-source state management library Redux. Redux is a popular tool for managing and centralizing application states among React developers.

3. Improve your resume

When you don’t have any on-the-job experience, transitioning into a new role can be intimidating. Developers can build portfolios of their work instead of relying on experience. Portfolios offer the opportunity to showcase specific skills and expertise. By using open-source tools like React, developers of all backgrounds can create and manage projects independently. Consider using a Guided Project if you are unsure where to begin.

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Final Thoughts

React is a JavaScript library that empowers web developers to create dynamic, efficient web applications. Front-end developers prefer it because it simplifies JavaScript coding and enhances performance.

The React team has continuously improved React over the years. Moreover, it integrates seamlessly with various technologies, such as Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Axios, Redux, and Firebase. A React application can also be deployed to a VPS using Node.js and NGINX.

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